Wesak Day

- - posted in Ancient Archives

We went to watch the Wesak Day ceremony in Piccadilly Gardens today, which was slightly surreal (at one point a senior monk was talking about world peace while a cleaning machine nearby drowned his voice) but very interesting and, well, nice. Lots of fried noodles and Thai ice drinks too, and big veggie hotdogs. It was a good idea and I hope they do it next year too.

A. joined in and ‘bathed The Buddha’, and was given a cup of “nectar”. I was too embarrassed - I’m too much the grumpy not-joining-in type.

The “Pray for peace” banners seemed to dominate the “Buddha’s Birthday” banner, which seemed to give a lot of passers-by the wrong impression. We didn’t stay for the dragon/lion dance (no idea which), kung-fu and other events.

Link: Wesak Day