Things to Oggify

- - posted in Ancient Archives

The latest CDs I need to Oggify and store away with NetJuke are:

    <a href="">Trojan Dub Box Set</a> - 3 CDs of old dub. I've loved the echoing pianos and bass lines of dub ever since I heard <a href="">"Johnny  in the Echo Chamber"</a> by the Aggrovators late at night on <a href="">John Peel's show</a> about 12 years ago.

    <a href="">Thai Elephant Orchestra</a> - This is lovely, very strange, but very relaxing. The Elephants at an <a href="">elephant welfare centre</a> in Thailand enjoy <a href="">playing their own music</a> on special instruments. They aren't directed or controlled by humans, this is music they have created. Some of them <a href="">also paint</a>.