All Change

- - posted in Ancient Archives

A. needs programing work, I need a change, career, wider experience. So I’ve got myself a new job in Manchester, and we’re moving there in a couple of weeks.

I’ll be a smaller fish in an enormously big pond, which, to over-extend a metaphor, gives me more room to grow. And A. will be in a town with about ten times the employment opportunities. If only it didn’t also have ten times as many job-hunters. We’ve always wanted to try living in a city centre flat, so that’s another big change: I’ll be ten minutes walk from just about anything I’d want to visit. No more trains and taxi, no more commute.

We’re both generally quiet, settled types, and the move disrupts everything. We’re having to get rid of many possessions, leave our home of almost nine years, loose our Internet connection for weeks (sob), and possibly pay an amazingly large amount to move our remaining stuff (books seem to cost more than furniture).

I’ve never really felt that I belonged in Newcastle, but at the same time, it’s where I’ve spent most of my adult life, and my friends are here.

On the other hand, I’ll be living five minutes from Manchester’s ‘china town’ area. Mmmm.